istoricul companiei
Incepand cu anul 2008, Roengg Consulting a patruns, cu pasi mici, pe piata de profil, pentru a atinge in prezent un nou nivel de performanta. Roengg Consulting ofera solutii orientate spre client, in proiectarea proceselor indstriale in domeniul petrol-gaze, petrochimie, facilitati industriale, infrastructuri municipale, energetic, minier, constructii civile, telecomunicatii si transporturi. Serviciile noastre acopera proiectarea basic si de detaliu, front-end, achizitii echipamente industriale, managementul de constructie si punerea in functiune.
Company`s history
Starting with 2008, Roengg Consulting started the activity within the branch. We offer client- based solutions in engineering design of petroleum-gs processes, petro-chemical, industrial, municipal, energy, mining, civil, telecom and transportation industries. Our services cover basic and detail design, front-end, industrial equipment procurement, construction management and commissioning.
la inceput de drum/ the beginning
ROENGG CONSULTING a aparut pe piata romaneasca de profil in 2008.
ROENGG CONSULTING appeared on the market in 2008.
Inceputul este intotdeauna greu, dar cu echipa potrivita, totul merge bine!
The start is always hard, but with the right team, everything will go well!
Din 2015 suntem certificati ISO 9001: 2008.
From the year 2015, we are certified ISO 9001:2008.
unde suntem acum/ where are we now
Din 2015 pana in prezent, suntem in plina activitate, in proiectare industriala si civila, consultanta si project management.
From 2015 ntil now, we are in full activity, in engineering design for industrial and civil facilities, consultancy and project management.